Sunday, January 11, 2015

Yet Another Accident

“AirAsia Black Boxes Found”
By: Alana Horowitz
Source: Huffington Post

     There have been many missing planes and ones that malfunction lately. First it was Malaysian Airlines and now AirAsia. People are beginning to question the safety of flying. The causes of these accidents are unknown at the moment. An Indonesian Transport Ministry announced that divers had found boxes, boxes that might reveal important information. These black boxes might be the only way people find out the causes of these accidents and find ways to stop more from happening. Both AirAsia and Malaysian Airlines have lost business due to these events, and there might never be a way to regain it. This AirAsia flight was on its way to Singapore from Indonesia. It went missing on the 28th of December, 2014, approximately forty minutes after its takeoff from the airport. All 162 people on board died, leaving their families devastated and sad. A couple days later, some debris and human remains were found in the Java Sea. Monday, January 9, the plane’s tail was found and recovered. “The black boxes contain the plane’s cockpit-voice recorder and flight data recorder” (1). The divers have not yet physically recovered the black box, because it is covered under debris. Finding this black box may answer the questions everyone is asking. Was it a hijacking? Are the current planes not able to fly in these weather conditions? These companies need this black box to know whether to increase their security or to improve and upgrade their planes. An Indonesian official said that a rescue crew will try to recover the box on Monday.

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