Sunday, January 18, 2015

Tax the Rich!

“Obama To Propose Tax Hikes On Wealthy, Breaks For Middle Class”
By: Dave Jamieson
Source: Huffington Post
This is what every person thinks will be the best for the country, and President Barrack Obama is the one that is proposing it. Taxing the rich will save the country, will open doors for middle class and lower class people. Obama believes that this tax will not affect the wealthy people at all, yet he wants to raise the taxes from 23.8 % to 28 %. If one makes about 500,000 dollars per year that is about 140,000 gone to taxes. How would one feel when their hard worked money is taken away from them? Although this money would be put to an excellent use. Officials say that the revenue from taxes would be used to finance credits aimed at the middle class, especially extending the income tax to families without children. The top 1 percent would face these taxes, giving a break to the large middle and lower class. Some of the money would be used to improve the retirement programs people receive. President Obama has created an IRA plan, which is basically a different version of the 401(k). “This proposal is probably the most impactful way we can address the manifest unfairness in our tax system” said an administration official (1). Obama should receive a lot of credit for this, because the middle class has been demanding this for over six years. Other presidents have tried proposing this, yet no progress has been made. Officials are sure that this action would improve the economy for the middle class.

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