Sunday, January 25, 2015

4.4 Million People Saved

“Obama Moves to Protect Millions From Deportation”
By: Elise Foley
Source: Huffington Post

                The whole country was waiting for President Barack Obama to announce what will happen to this beautiful country. On Thursday night, Obama stated in his address new policies and goals for the United States. He put an extra emphasis on the immigration policy, stating that the deportation relief will dramatically increase for illegal people in the United States, for about 4.4 million undocumented immigrants. This policy protects parents, people who have come to the United States from when they were a child, and people who have been living here for a long time, having long-standing ties to the country. Obama is protecting the undocumented people that are currently in the United States, plus at the same time making it harder for people to as they say “jump the border.” The President stated that it is impossible and at the same time unfair to do mass deportation, therefore a middle ground must be found. The people currently staying here will continue living here, besides those who are criminals and offenders of the law. Entering the United States illegally will be harder, and the chances of getting caught and deported would be higher. Obama made this policy for the 4.4 million undocumented immigrants. This policy would allow them to get work permits and start working legitimate jobs, unlike being stuck cutting grass and washing cars. Along with this, they will get other government support that normal citizens or permanent residents receive. The President wants to show that the United States is a forgiving and a fair country.

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