Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Truth About Volunteering

As we all know, the meaning of volunteering has changed through time. Volunteering used to mean giving up one’s leisure time in order to help its community, whether it is by joining the army or cleaning up the streets of the city. Now, volunteering is much different. Since people do not have the urge to do it, they are being forced to volunteer. It is come to a point, where most schools do not let students graduate unless they complete a certain amount of volunteer hours. The whole definition of volunteering has changed throughout these years.

Although, making volunteering mandatory is actually better than not making it mandatory. If it was not required for graduation, most of the people would not at all think about volunteering. Students are so lazy, that they do their homework right before the period its due. If they are too lazy to do their homework, how are they going to have the urge to volunteer? “Many young people said that their motive in becoming involved was to make a stronger case to please college admissions officers – regardless of whether they were applying to an Ivy League school, a state university or a technical college” (Source 4). Making volunteering required to graduate and enter a university or college gives the students a motive, an urge to volunteer. Students will start competing to see who has more hours and who volunteered in a better place. They will start volunteering, and who knows? Maybe they will find a place that suits what they desire, and stay there regardless of how much volunteering hours they need.

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