Sunday, September 7, 2014

Do Not Watch This Movie!

“The Expendables 3”
By: Peter Travers
Source: Rolling Stone

                “If you’ve seen Sylvester Stallone and his over-the-hill gang in 2010’s The Expendables, paid up for the 2012 follow up, and can’t wait to see The Expendables 3, then you’re a glutton for movie punishment and I can’t help you” (1). Peter Travers started his review by criticizing the movie on the first sentence. This movie was rated one star (out of four), and is considered a waste of time. Since this is a review, there is no claim of fact. Although, there is claim of value. Through Travers’ harsh criticism, one gets persuaded to not watch this movie and instead look for alternatives. Automatic ethos is also shown in this review. Travers says that since this movie has Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lungren, Randy Couture, Terry Crews, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, people expect something big. “The Expendables 3, trading our affection for action stars of the past, has officially worn out its already shaky welcome” (1). An example of claim of value is again shown. Travers argues that this is an undesired movie, and persuades its audience to not watch it. These arguments are effective, since they are to the correct audience. People visit the Rolling Stone website to read reviews and so on about new movies, albums. Therefore this review will have an impact on its audience. This review is completely biased, therefore it does not include any facts or logos. It also does not fight for a change, thus having no claim of policy. Travers argues that this is a terrible movie, and states why.

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