Saturday, September 27, 2014

Air France Pilots Strike

“Air France Cancels More Flights As Strike Stretches On”
By: Alexander C. Kaufman
Source: Huffington Post
                One of the famous and popular airline services, Air France, is experiencing strikes by the pilots that is causing many flights to get delayed or cancelled. They are facing “turbulence”. This ongoing strike is considered one of the longest strikes in the French national carrier’s history. It interrupted around fifty five percent of the flights scheduled for Sunday. One day before, Saturday, the pilots sent out a mediator to the airline, but they rejected it. No negotiations have been done since. “Air France regrets this situation and is making every effort to minimize the inconvenience this strike action may cause to its customers” (1). This strike is not only affecting the airline agency, but also the agency’s customers. Hundreds of thousands of people had their flights cancelled and rescheduled, having no say to when their flight would be rescheduled. The pilots stated that they will stop striking once all the salaried cockpit crews get the same pay and benefits as other agencies. At the moment, Air France pilots receive about a hundred thousand dollars. Their pay increases as their career goes. Demanding more would hurt the airline, but the pilots do not seem to care about it. The company has sent out about three million texts and emails about their flight cancellations, and their newly scheduled flights.

                Travelers and vacationers should take this into consideration and avoid using Air France to travel for the time being, since no one wants their flight rescheduled or delayed. This article also shows that pilots believe they are being paid unfairly. A solution or compromise is needed to not cause any more consequences to the people.

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