Thursday, April 30, 2015

My Favorite Piece From This Year

My favorite piece of literature this year was the one of a kind book, Into the Wild. Already knowing the plot of the story, I started reading the book thinking that it is going to be an adventure where the main character “miraculously” survives the dangerous forest and returns back to his/her family. Although, this was something different. Chris McCandless left his family and friends for an adventure in Alaska, a place considered treacherous for what he was going to do. Taking an unusual path, he did finally end up where he wanted to. Why did I enjoy this book? What was so different about it? The actions in this book went against everything considered normal. At the start of the book, I hated the main character. Chris McCandless had 25,000 $ in his bank account, his parents were going to buy him a new car, he finished his university. He was now in the stage of life where a person finds a suitable job for them and continues working and enjoying their life. McCandless threw all that away. As the story progressed, I started thinking like him. I realized that he did not need any of those things. All those were irrelevant now, and had no value. After I finished this book, I spent nights imagining how my adventure would be, how I would go on trying to be different. This book opened eyes for me. I had always thought that being different is substandard, but now I strive to be different.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Voyage of a Lifetime

If money were no object, I would have the adventure of a lifetime. I still remember now when I thought the earth was flat, having edges and corners. Although, I soon learned that it is round, and if you end up going one way for a long enough time, then you would return to the same place. That is an adventure I would want to take. I would follow the equator line from one location, circle the world and return to the same place. For this adventure, I would need a trailer car, an RV, in which I would live in and drive through land. I would also need a huge yacht, which could be towed by the RV. The yacht must be big and strong enough to be able to carry the RV when crossing oceans. My starting point would probably be somewhere in South America, since it is the closest place to my current location. No matter if I have to cross a desert, a dangerous forest or an overpopulated city, I would do it. Also with some basic hunting gear, I would hunt animals such as deer and birds, catch whatever fish I could find, and barbeque them. I would stock up enough food in South America that would be enough to get me across the ocean to Africa. Even if my food runs out, I can simply fish during the voyage. Entering forests and wild areas that I go through in Africa, I would record everything I see. Through the Indian Ocean I would cross through southern Asia, and return to the Pacific Coast where I would soon return to South America. This is a trip I would brag about.

Drilling Rule

“U.S. to Impose Offshore Drilling Rule: Report:
By: Eric Beech
Source: Huffington Post
                In a couple of days it is the five year anniversary of the Gulf of Mexico spill. It was a huge disaster that killed eleven men and sent millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. This disaster occurred since the drill pipe malfunctioned. This certainly was a horrible disaster that President Barrack Obama faced. It took almost forever to clean that gulf, and officials are unsure if it has spread to other areas that they did not search. Obama does not was any more catastrophes similar to this. In order to stop disasters like this one happening, President Barrack Obama is imposing an offshore drilling rule. The government is sure that this rule will play a major role in stopping further catastrophes from happening. This regulation that the government proposed would be the third biggest new drilling equipment regulation. The Obama administration has really been trying to fight this. The rule on the drilling equipment is expected to tighten safety requirements on blowout preventers, which are devices that are the last line of protection to stop explosions in undersea oil and gas wells. The Obama administration has also announced that new areas of federal waters off the Southeast Atlantic Coast for drilling will open up. Environmentalists have gone mad. They are infuriated with this idea from the President.

                Obama is taking a big step in imposing this drilling rule, expecting to stop catastrophes similar to what happened in 2010 at the Gulf of Mexico to not happen. Will the President succeed in providing the county with safety? Results will show.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

World War 3?

“Russia Threatens To Aim Nuclear Missiles At Denmark Ships If It Joins NATO Shield”
By: Teis Jensen
Source: Huffington Post
                Russia, the enemy of the majority of countries in the world. President Vladimir Putin has transformed Russia from a normal growing country into a warship that fires at its surrounding countries. First, it wanted to dominate all of Ukraine and make it part of Russia, and now it threatens to shoot down Denmark ships.
                Denmark is trying its best to join the NATO shield. In August of 2014, officials said that Denmark “would contribute radar capacity on some of its warships to the missile shield, which the Western alliance says is designed to protect members from missile launches from countries like Iran” (Jensen). Moscow does not agree with this system. The Russian ambassador to Denmark, Mikhail Vanin spoke on behalf all of Russia. During his speech, he talked about how Denmark joining NATO would make Denmark targets for Russian missiles.
                Russia thought it was speaking on behalf of NATO, but they were wrong. A NATO spokeswoman, Oana Lungescu, called Denmark a “staunch” member of NATO, a loyal one. NATO stands behind Denmark, and ensure that no harm will be caused to Russia if Denmark joins.
                The tensions between Russia and the West have tremendously increased. “NATO has recorded increased activity by the Russian navy and air force in the Nordic region” (Jensen). Will they attack? Most probably not, since it would make Russia NATO’s target, a group which the United States and many other powerful countries are in. It is extremely important to know the current situation in Europe. What is today a threat can turn into a war tomorrow.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Stereotypical Roles

    Gender roles stating what each person’s job is in the family has been set for a long time. Although, as time has progressed, the need for more money has gradually changed the set gender roles. The man of the house would work in order to earn money which would be used for expenses such as food, rent, clothing and other so on. They would also protect the family, and go around the house fixing what is broken and relaxing, to be able to work the next day. A typical woman’s role is to stay home and take care of the remaining things. They would not have a job, and stay home. Cleaning, cooking, taking care of the kids, and making the husband comfortable were all part of the women’s duties. Although, times have changed. Even though women have started working like men, they still do not receive the same opportunities. Although, it is not because they do not have rights in order to work important jobs and receive higher wages. It is because they are not physically and mentally capable of performing the same way as a man. The majority of females cannot handle tools and equipment, therefore losing the opportunity of getting jobs in one branch. Women’s emotions are another reason why they have less of an opportunity getting a job than males. People cannot depend on a woman’s emotions to decide whether the city where a notorious ISIS member is hiding should be bombed or not. A man will look at the facts, the pros and cons of what would happen as a result, and commence with their plan. Gender roles have changed from what they were back then, and the stereotypes have changed. Currently, a man and a woman are both required to work in a family in order to be able to take care of all the expenses.

Tony Robinson Shooting

“Tony Robinson Was Unarmed When Fatally Shot By Wisconsin Police Officer”
By: Huffington Post Blogger (Unknown)
Source: Huffington Post

                Unfortunately, yet another shooting occurred. It is even more unfortunate that the shooter was a white police officer, while the victim was another African American. Tony Robinson, a 19 year old young man, died after being shot by an officer. This occurrence resulted in tons of protests. Many African American protesters spent their day chanting “Black Lives Matter.” Their purpose was to get the Police Department to defend African American rights. Tony Robinson assaulted Officer Matt Kenny, and that is the reason why he got shot. Although he assaulted a police officer, there was no real reason why he got shot. He was unarmed, and was posing no threat to officers. After all, police officers have guns and Tasers, so there should be no real reason why they should be afraid, or feel threatened from the victim, especially when they are unarmed. This case is being taken extremely seriously and carefully, especially since there have been several high profile deaths of African Americans killed by police officers in the recent months. Another example is the video of Eric Garner repeatedly saying, “I can’t breathe” when put into a chokehold position. At first, it was believable that these continuous killings of innocent African Americans was simply a coincidence, but after all these incidents, that lie holds no more weight. Tony Robinson was a 2014 graduate of Sun Prairie High School, and he was well liked by the school staff and students. A neighbor, Olga Ennis, stated that “He wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Implody Award

                The following video is from The Daily Show, hosted by the one and only humorous Jon Stewart. The video was about President Barrack Obama’s State of the Union Speech. Every year, as presidents give speeches like these, there is always opposing speeches. Mostly Republicans, everyone was accusing the President of America that he is failing in ruling this important and huge country, and there has been nothing but failure since he has gotten the position. Although, every person that gives these types of speeches ends up making a mistake which makes their speech ineffective, useless and humorous. As a result, Jon Stewart hands out an “Implody Award” every year, to the opposing speaker that gives the worst speech. The first speaker was a Republican member, Joni Ernst who has grown up castrating pigs and riding Harley Davidsons’. Having such an aggressive childhood, she ends up talking about how her shoes were dirty when she was a child, in a robotic voice… Jon Steward ends up saying, “Is that you Siri” (The Daily Show- Majority Retort). Although, this was not the worst one. Senator Ted Cruz, another Republican Tea Party Member who wants to run for the President’s seat wasn’t able to even say two complete sentences. “Medium incomes have stagnated…..  For over a decade. Uhh let me start over again” (The Daily Show – Majority Retort). Jon Stewart gives the man a tip by saying that if he wants to run for president, he should not make his response look like a ransom video. Due to this huge failure, Senator Ted Cruz receives the Implody Award.

                This video was effective in showing how unprepared and ineffective the Tea Party’s speeches were. As a result of their failures, Jon Stewart used these failed speeches to make fun of them for opposing the President’s speech without sufficient evidence.