Thursday, April 30, 2015

My Favorite Piece From This Year

My favorite piece of literature this year was the one of a kind book, Into the Wild. Already knowing the plot of the story, I started reading the book thinking that it is going to be an adventure where the main character “miraculously” survives the dangerous forest and returns back to his/her family. Although, this was something different. Chris McCandless left his family and friends for an adventure in Alaska, a place considered treacherous for what he was going to do. Taking an unusual path, he did finally end up where he wanted to. Why did I enjoy this book? What was so different about it? The actions in this book went against everything considered normal. At the start of the book, I hated the main character. Chris McCandless had 25,000 $ in his bank account, his parents were going to buy him a new car, he finished his university. He was now in the stage of life where a person finds a suitable job for them and continues working and enjoying their life. McCandless threw all that away. As the story progressed, I started thinking like him. I realized that he did not need any of those things. All those were irrelevant now, and had no value. After I finished this book, I spent nights imagining how my adventure would be, how I would go on trying to be different. This book opened eyes for me. I had always thought that being different is substandard, but now I strive to be different.

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