Sunday, November 2, 2014

Class of 2035

A ton of changes happen each year. It is crazy to imagine how school would be different in twenty years. With all the new technology and new inventions, surely the school system would be different than what it is now. It is not required at the moment to have note taking devices instead of notebooks. Although, in twenty years, it is possible that a person could not be able to do any work in school without having a device. It is also possible that teachers who are unable to come to the classroom can teach their class via online. People already do this with their families and friends through Skype, Oovoo, FaceTime, and so on. This has not been introduced to the classroom, but it is possible that as the years go by, this will be used in classrooms. Students will not interact with teachers solely online, since teaching is done better when they are in front of their students. Whether it is by physically showing something, or by quietly answering questions of students on a test, the teacher physically being there is better for the students. Students would not face a backlash to a more traditional model, since the new technology and inventions made will make the life of students easier. People used to get one small piece of information in the library, which would take up hours of their time. Now, they can simply search their question on the Internet. No matter how much technology advances although, students will still be reading. In order for one’s English skills and vocabulary to get better they will need reading. The books students read will be similar to what students read now. At the moment, people read literature that is 100s of years old. Twenty years will not make that much of a difference on reading lists. As a teacher, I would imagine myself trying to adapt to the new advancements and trying to incorporate these into teaching. Since the students are similar with all the new technologies, it would be better this way.

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