Sunday, November 23, 2014

Illegal Immigration

“Obama Defends Immigration Executive Order”
By: Darlene Superville
Source: Huffington Post

            Due to Republican criticism, President Barack Obama has made a speech regarding immigration. He made a speech on Sunday, stating how important it is to prioritize the deportation of criminals and recent arrivals. Obama also shows his kind side, by saying that the people, who lived in the United States of America for over five years and have roots, including children who are American citizens, are spared. They can stay and live on this land. A number of senators and other high ranked members in the government rejected President Obama’s statements. For example, Senator Ted Cruz, who is a Republican representative in Texas, stated that he rejects Obama’s claims and that he has gotten in the job of counterfeiting immigration papers. Another senator, Senator Lindsey Graham, a representative at South Carolina, also complained. President Obama is also urging Republicans to pass an immigration bill, because he does not want the world to think that Democrats rule the world, but that Republicans still have a say in what goes on around the world. Representative Raul Labrador, stated that he has been working on a bill from the Republican side. He said that their legislation is not going to be what the president is asking for.

            It is important to know that Barack Obama is taking extreme measures to end illegal immigration. While other parties are taking their sweet time on creating and enforcing laws, President Barack Obama is representing the Democratic side by defending an immigration executive order to stop these illegal actions.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Magic of No Technology

     This was an experience. I have been born in the world of technology, and staying away from technology for ONLY 30 minutes felt like a part of me was missing. There were so many times that I reached for my phones to check Snapchat or Twitter, but all I had with me was pencil, paper, and a beautiful view that I had never noticed before. Sitting in the backyard of my house and looking at the extraordinary view, I was in a trance that was relaxing and comforting. For 15 to 20 minutes, I forgot about writing since I was feeling something I had never felt before. My mind was clear. I observed the birds flying in their V formation. It was amazing to see how they all fly at the same speed in such a calm way. I also saw the neighbor’s dog eating our plants. My dad had always blamed me for destroying the plants with the basketball. I laughed as the dog continued munching.

     This exercise opened my eyes to the beautiful nature that I had not paid attention to. My mind was clear afterwards, and for 30 minutes I did not think about any problems. I was free and I felt free. After I finished my 30 minutes outside, I went and took a nap. I woke up with no problems. I enjoyed it. I realized that I should have done something similar every day. That is why I have dedicated at least 10 minutes of everyday to sit outside, enjoy, and relax.

U.S. Takes Action

“U.S. Airstrikes Target ISIS Leaders in Iraq”
By: Michael Georgy and Phil Stewart
Source: Huffington Post
                Finally the United States has decided to try to stop the infamous terrorist group known as ISIS. They have recently destroyed an Islamic State convoy near the city of Mosul. The main target was the terrorist group’s commander Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. There were 10 targeted vehicles, but the U.S. is not sure if the commander was eliminated or not. “I can confirm that a coalition aircraft did conduct a series of air strikes yesterday evening in Iraq against what was assessed to be a gathering of ISIL leaders near Mosul” (1). Ryder, a commander for the American forces said this as he was the one overlooking the bombings. Ryder called ISIS ISIL, which is another accepted name for the terrorist group. ISIS has not been as active as they have been the last couple of months, and have switched to a lower profile. They have been using vehicles to avoid being targeted, and have been having many meetings. Aby Bakr al-Baghdadi’s fate is unknown, but the Americans have shown the terrorist group that they are willing to do anything to stop and destroy them. ISIS used to not worry about the United States’ interference, because they believed that the Americans were bluffing and would never waste their time trying to solve problems in the Middle East. Although, now ISIS has a superpower to think of before commencing their attacks. They will think twice before

                It is important to know that the United States has stepped in and taken action matters in their own hands. The people of the Middle East can take a deep breath and relax.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Class of 2035

A ton of changes happen each year. It is crazy to imagine how school would be different in twenty years. With all the new technology and new inventions, surely the school system would be different than what it is now. It is not required at the moment to have note taking devices instead of notebooks. Although, in twenty years, it is possible that a person could not be able to do any work in school without having a device. It is also possible that teachers who are unable to come to the classroom can teach their class via online. People already do this with their families and friends through Skype, Oovoo, FaceTime, and so on. This has not been introduced to the classroom, but it is possible that as the years go by, this will be used in classrooms. Students will not interact with teachers solely online, since teaching is done better when they are in front of their students. Whether it is by physically showing something, or by quietly answering questions of students on a test, the teacher physically being there is better for the students. Students would not face a backlash to a more traditional model, since the new technology and inventions made will make the life of students easier. People used to get one small piece of information in the library, which would take up hours of their time. Now, they can simply search their question on the Internet. No matter how much technology advances although, students will still be reading. In order for one’s English skills and vocabulary to get better they will need reading. The books students read will be similar to what students read now. At the moment, people read literature that is 100s of years old. Twenty years will not make that much of a difference on reading lists. As a teacher, I would imagine myself trying to adapt to the new advancements and trying to incorporate these into teaching. Since the students are similar with all the new technologies, it would be better this way.

Climate Changes

“UN Climate Change Report Delivers Stark Warnings”
By: Karl Ritter
Source: Huffington Post
                 On Sunday, the United Nation’s panel on climate science stated that, “Climate change is happening, it’s almost entirely man’s fault and limiting its impacts may require reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero this century” (1). In simpler words, climate is changing due to human actions. Emissions, such a burning of fossil fuels have to drop to zero by the end if the twenty first century, in order for the world to have a chance of keeping its temperature rise below dangerous levels. If this continues, technology will have to be completely remade into renewable sources, so it can power homes, cars, and industries without harming the environment. Scientists are saying that the effects caused by this climate changes are irreversible. Some effects are rising sea levels, warmer and more acidic ocean, melting glaciers and Arctic sea ice and more frequent and intense heat waves. “All we need is the will to change, which we trust will be motivated by knowledge and an understanding of the science of climate change” (1). With the will to change, there is a chance that humans can overcome this problem. At the moment, the American public is not convinced. They do not believe that such a disaster could happen due to human actions. Research by Pew Research showed that 67% of Americans believe global warming is occurring, and only the rest believe that climate changes are happening due to human actions.
                As said before, the world only needs the will to change. With the human force helping the environment and not harming it, it is possible to stop Earth from facing more “irreversible” effects.